An ETPM for the use of carbon-storing aggregates in non-reinforced concrete

The Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment has issued a third Technical Evaluation of Products and Materials (ETPM) relating to Anthropocite aggregate and its use in non-reinforced concrete.

Aggregate substitution rate : limited to 20% maximum

The CSTB recently revised the fundamental properties of Anthropocite. Once this collective expertise was obtained, the CSTB issued a new ETPM. This evaluation primarily constitutes the essential common framework for organizations responsible for assessing construction processes.

The evaluation did not reveal any incompatibility that would rule out the proposed use. It was conducted under the assumption that Anthropocite aggregate would be used in concrete manufacturing. The substitution rate of Anthropocite aggregate is limited to 20% of the gravel mass, and its use is intended for non-reinforced applications such as cleanliness concrete, trench concrete, curb setting concrete, and non-reinforced fill concrete.

An evaluation that opens up new usage possibilities

This evaluation forms the basis for assessing the intrinsic quality of Anthropocite and paves the way for new applications. Currently used by professionals for the production of non-structural concrete, Néolithe aims to expand the use of this new material to other types of concrete, including those intended for structural uses, with increasingly higher substitution rates.

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